Natalia V. MarushinaRussian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.S. Likhachev, Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia, Bersenevskaya emb., 18-20-22, building 3.
Senior Research Associate of the World Heritage and International Communication Department
LLC NIiPI Spetsrestavratsia, St. Petersburg, Russia
195299, Russian Federation, Kirishskaya str., 2A
Research Associate of the Urban Research Department
ORCID: 0000-0001-9923-6918
Liudmila M. BuzinaRussian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.S. Likhachev, Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia, Bersenevskaya emb., 18-20-22, building 3.
Deputy Head of the World Heritage and International Communication Department
Identifying Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value of Divnogorye Cultural and Historical Complex – the Site-Candidate for Inscription on UNESCO’S World Heritage ListAbstract: General principles of identifying attributes of Outstanding Universal Value of UNESCO’s World Heritage properties are discussed in this article. On the example of the Divnogorye Cultural and Historical complex (Voronezh Oblast), which is a candidate for inscription on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, the value characteristics, including those intangible, are identified. The specific features, expressing its integrity and authenticity, which were reflected in the nominated site’s Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value, are further examined. The attributes of Outstanding Universal Value of the Divnogorye Cultural and Historical Complex were identified as a result of a study based on theoretical provisions of international documents and on the practice, existing in the world and in Russia, of identifying of heritage site’s conservation elements (in particular, subject of protection). These attributes could form the basis for its long-term conservation strategy development. In the conclusion part, there are, made by the article’s authors, recommendations related to the site’s further promotion at the international level and proposals, which would ensure the preservation of World Heritage sites’ Outstanding Universal Value through the use of legal tools existing in Russia.
Key words: World Heritage, UNESCO, cultural heritage, Divnogorye, Outstanding Universal Value, authenticity, integrity, attributes, subject of protection, the Nara Grid.
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For Citation: Marushina, N., Buzina, L. (2021). Identifying Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value of Divnogorye Cultural and Historical Complex – the Site-Candidate for Inscription on UNESCO’S World Heritage List. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1(42), 145–158. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_145
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_145