No. 3(56) 2024: Intercultural Interaction: Theory, History, Regional Practices
Guest Editor of the issue:
Olga A. Yanutsh, Doctor of Science (in Cultural Studies), Professor of Department of Theory and History of Culture, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
As a fact of science, “Intercultural Interaction” was realized only in the middle of the 20th century, and since that time interest in its study has been steadily growing. Firstly, this is due to the rapidly changing vectors of development of the modern world (from globalization through glocalization to new regionalization) and, accordingly, the need for scientific reflection on the origins and prospects of the ongoing processes. Secondly, there were “turns” in the cultural sciences, which significantly changed and expanded the theoretical and methodological framework for studying various cultural phenomena. Underlying challenge that persist in the works devoted to the study of various aspects of intercultural interaction can be considered the lack of clear boundaries between this concept and the concepts of “Intercultural Communication” and “Intercultural Dialogue” (“Dialogue of Cultures”), which are close, but not identical to it. If “Intercultural Communication” assumes as a starting point the opposition of “Self and Other”, then “Dialogue of Cultures” in this context appeals more to the concept of the “Split Self” (V.S. Bybler). In this series, “intercultural interaction” is neither a synonym or a generic/specific concept in relation to one of them, nor an umbrella term. Interaction is an integrating factor through which parts are combined into a certain type of integrity. In this regard, the study of levels, patterns and variables (historical or regional) of intercultural interaction, it seems, can be of significant importance for theoretical, historical, and applied cultural studies.
The following questions are proposed for discussion:
- Interculturalinteractionas an object of culturalresearch
- Interculturalinteractionas a factor of cultural genesis
- Levels,patternsandvariables of interculturalinteraction
- The interaction of natureandculturefrom the standpoint of philosophical and culturalanalysis
- Interculturalinteractionin the optics of object-orientedphilosophy
- Regionalspecifics of formsandpractices of interculturalinteraction
- Historicalspecificity of formsandpractices of interculturalinteraction
No. 4(57) 2024: Italian Studies: Architectonics and Architecture
Guest Editor of the issue:
Nikolaeva Zhanna Viktorovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Philosophy of Culture and Aesthetics at the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University.
The thematic issue “Italian Studies: Architectonics and Architecture” is devoted to topological and architectural reflection on the themes of Italian culture, considered primarily through its cultural landscape.
Architecture is both a practice, a theoretical act of thinking, and communication. In this issue of the magazine, it is planned to create a field for dialogue between cultures: Italian and Russian. Visual culture is often polemical in nature, and its results, preserved in a material environment, make it possible to conduct a polylogue not only from different points of view from different geographical areas, but also with representatives of bygone eras.
Architectonics is the “architecture of thought” (and this is one of Aristotle’s definitions) and represents a unique event in the development and formation of civilization, which we can see through the creative and theoretical heritage of the Italian masters – an eternally attractive image of the ideal. The actual issue involves, among other things, clarifying the deep movements of culture, considered in a new interdisciplinary research optics, determined by an ethical and aesthetic turn to thinking about intertemporal connections and responsibility to future generations for the images we have left.
Suggested topics for the issue articles:
- Topological reflection, cultural landscape
- Italian architectural traditions
- Italian studies of culture and art
- Heritage: new methods and approaches
- Understanding and cognition of cultures: perception of the image.
- Culture and the Anthropocene
- Architectonics and Architecture
- Atmospherology: the aesthetics of emotional spaces