Tatiana V. CHUMAKOVA Saint Petersburg State University
7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
e-mail: chumakovatv@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5672-4695
Academic Culture in Theological Educational Institutions of the Russian EmpireAbstract: The article is a study of the formation and transformation of academic culture in Orthodox theological educational institutions of the Russian Empire in the eighteenth– early twentieth centuries. The research is based at various ego-sources (correspondence, memories), as well as official documents (legislation of the Russian Empire, charters of educational institutions, business documentation, and above all, journals of meetings of conferences and research councils of spiritual academies). A number of works on the history of spiritual academies, published in the nineteenth – early twentieth centuries, are to be taken for sources of the current study. Academic culture is interpreted as a complicated and wholesome system containing a variety of components. The most important of these components are the symbolic and organizational ones. The symbolic culture of the academic spiritual corporation was shaped under the influence of the symbolic culture that had been formed among the clergy for centuries. It is well-known, that not all teachers at spiritual academies were clergy, but before the reforms of the 1860s, almost all teaching staff came from the clergy. A few cases of inviting Western scholars as teachers do not change the general picture, but, on the contrary, it demonstrates how the corporation got rid of ‘alien elements’ (the incident of I. Fessler, for instance).
The specifics of the academic culture dominating in the Orthodox educational institutions of the Russian Empire was largely determined by the fact that, outside the walls of seminaries and academies, the majority of teachers and students belonged to the same subculture of the Orthodox clergy. That subculture was shaped in the eighteenth century; its ultimate formation as a subculture occurred after the legal registration of the status of estates in the Russian Empire during the reign of Empress Catherine the Great. Transformations of academic culture were largely associated with changes in that subculture, which were started in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the last third of the nineteenth century, a reform of the higher spiritual educational institutions took place: graduates and students received an opportunity to undergo internships abroad, which changed the landscape of Russian theological discipline. The result of the estates reforms was the arrival of representatives of other estates into religious spiritual educational institutions, and that also had a powerful influence at the academic culture of those institutions.
Key words: religious studies, history of Christianity, history of religious education, Orthodoxy, infosphere, academic culture.
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For Citation: Chumakova, T. (2023) Academic Culture in Theological Educational Institutions of the Russian Empire. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (53). 34–46. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_4_34
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_4_34