Anna V. KonevaSt.Petersburg State Institute of Culture
Assosiate professor
Leningrad Pushkin State University
Leading researcher
Tomsk State University, Russia
Leading researcher
PhD in Cultural Studies
Childhood Trauma of Popular Characters as an Expedient of Contemporary CinemaAbstract: In the modern visual culture, “the time of big narratives” is returning, which requires the cinema to change the usual strategies for character presentation. Actually writers are forced to create persuasive and prominent characters who will hold themselves the attention of the audience, not just at the expense of an interesting plot, which is interrupted at a dramatic moment.
The characters of modern films with the continuation are explored (“Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice in the Looking Glass” by T. Burton and the TV series “Sherlock” by S. Moffat, seasons 1-3). The presented images, as shown in the article, demonstrate the consistent inner experiences of the characters, which in the continuation of the film or series are based on a reference to the childhood trauma. The features of these traumas, its appearence in the film and influence the development of the plot and the dynamics of the behavior of film characters are shown. The conclusion is that the reference to the childish traumatic experiences of the characters becomes for modern cinema one of the methods of keeping the viewer's attention and the development of the storyline, and the movie itself is becoming more and more psychological.
Key words: modern cinema, serial, cinema with continuation, film character, a large narrative, childhood trauma.
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For Citation: Koneva, A. (2020). Childhood Trauma of Popular Characters as an Expedient of Contemporary Cinema. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (41), 199–212. DOI:10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_199
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_199