Elena K. Blinova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Doctor of art history
e-mail: elena-blinova@yandex.ru
Contemplation of Landscape Concerning as Empirical PracticeAbstract: The article examines the place of empiricism in the philosophy of education. It is shown that empirical practice, developed in a transdisciplinary paradigm, allows you to visually interpret various qualities of visible space in the process of contemplating the landscape, and the experience of close observation is a necessary part of propaedeutic courses in various disciplines of science and art, based on modern ideas about the integral environmental core of knowledge about nature.
Using the example of observing natural podiums of the Russian plain in comparison of verbal and pictorial images, it is shown that voluntary and post-voluntary attention as volitional acts are the basis for the formation of coloristic, spatial and mixed figurative morphotypes. The implementation of the method of observation and direct sensory contact with the world in practice-oriented educational programs allows you to get an experience of understanding without presenting concepts. It is argued that when contemplating the architectural landscape, when the architectural composition becomes the matrix of image formation, the man-made is inscribed into the natural.
Close observation as a propaedeutic course allows you to translate undifferentiated total space into various images and evaluate the space of climatic zones, the characteristic space of plants, geospatial space, architectural space, light space, color space, and the space of aperture colors.
It is argued that empirical practice can be implemented by the project method at University educational sites in various regions of Russia.
Key words: transdisciplinarity, empiricism, voluntary and post-voluntary attention, space, landscape contemplation, practice-oriented educational programs, project method.
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For Citation: Blinova, E. (2020). Contemplation of Landscape Concerning as Empirical Practice. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (41), 170–185. DOI:10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_170
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_170