Darya V. BAYDINANational Research University Higher School of Economics
20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
Postgraduate Student of Postgraduate School for Arts and Design
e-mail: baydina2014@bk.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-3870-409X
Experimental Dance Scene in Russia: Periodization, New Issues and Current Genres of Modern Russian DanceAbstract: Modern Russian dance is a complex phenomenon for analysis. According to N. V. Kuryumova, this difficulty lies, in particular, in the variability of modern dance, its openness to synthesis with new phenomena of the cultural life of society, as well as its isolation from the historical narrative. Therefore, we can say that today modern Russian dance has not been sufficiently studied, including through the prism of its development path. The article outlines the stages of development of modern Russian dance, which are based on a review of the research interest and creative experiments of Russian choreographers and dance artists. The creative environment of each stage in the development of modern Russian dance has been formed and continues to be formed in complex and ambiguous realities, dictating frequent restrictions and conditions (financing problems, underdeveloped management, lack of infrastructures and institutions, etc.), which makes his path difficult and special. The performative and hybrid nature of dance practices (the appearance of modern dance, dance performances at galleries, museums, etc.), new trends in the performing arts (somatic practices on stage) also give rise to interest in the theoretical understanding of what is happening in the contemporary Russian dance community, which determines the relevance of the scientific study of the experimental dance scene in Russia and makes it possible to identify new issues of modern Russian dance. The article presents an attempt to describe the currently relevant trends in the modern experimental dance scene in Russia: modern, abstract dance, conceptual dance, dance theater (physical theater), video art, dance performance. It should be noted that despite the variety of dance styles, the definition of the genre at the present time in the space of the modern experimental dance scene most often fades into the background, since it cannot always be accurately determined. As performance theory researcher Daria Demekhina noted, the choice of one or another definition is rather a matter of satisfying the audience’s expectations.
Key words: modern Russian dance, modern dance, new dance, experimental dance, abstract dance, conceptual dance, dance theater, dance performance, somatics, artistic practices, physicality.
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For Citation: Baydina, D. (2022) Experimental Dance Scene in Russia: Periodization, New Issues and Current Genres of Modern Russian Dance. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (49). 70–82. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_4_70
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_4_70