Alina V. VENKOVAHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
48, Moika Emb., St. Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Associate Professor
D. S. Likhachev Russian Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Moscow
2, st. Cosmonauts, Moscow, 129301 Russian Federation
Principal Research Fellow of the Center for Basic Studies in the Sphere of Culture
Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3075-612X
Movement and Multisensory Experience in Artistic Sense of ImmersionAbstract: The article shows the main approaches to exploration of multisensory experience in kinetic and somatic aesthetics, and demonstrates the role of experiments in the field of synesthesia in kinetic and performative art. The neurophysiological foundations of research on kinesthesia and proprioception are revealed in the context of studying the general principles of the psychology of human perception by Russian and foreign scientists. The role of movement in immersive experience is shown. Based on kinetic art, the nature of the artists’ work with the tactile experience is described. The work of Bulat Galeev in the Special Design Bureau “Prometheus”, the work on the concept of musical light painting by Sergei Zorin, the influence of kinetic experiments on the new concept of acting art by Vsevolod Meyerhold are considered. The early experiences of avant-garde theater in Europe are shown, under the influence of which the manifesto of tactilism by Filippo-Tommaso Marinetti was created. The basic principles for the formation of multisensory environments in the work of the Soviet designer August Lanin are demonstrated. The immersive approach of the experiments of Lev Nusberg in the “Cybertheater” and Vyacheslav Koleichuk in the “Total Theater” is shown. Corporal reality is revealed in the article as part of the kinesthetic image of the world. Movement is described as an activity aimed at achieving an immersive effect while creating a multisensory experience for the recipient in modern art.
Key words: immersion, kinetic aesthetics, somatic aesthetics, sense of movement, synesthesia, multisensory, kinetic art.
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For Citation: Venkova, A. (2023) Movement and Multisensory Experience in Artistic Sense of Immersion. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (52). 102–115. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_3_102
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_3_102