Andrey Yu. CHUKUROVHerzen State Pedagogical University
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Institute of Human Philosophy, Department of Theory and History of Culture
Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies)
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-6158-5151
Multifunctionality and Popular Text’ Genre Boundaries Blurring Using the Example of the Criminal Profiling Presentation in a Popular CultureAbstract: We analyze the detective genre and the formation of its new direction – “profiling detective” in the context of cultural studies interaction and psychology in this article. In particular, we draw attention to the fact that cultural studies and psychology are closely intertwined and complement each other in issues related to the study, construction and reception of the Hero image. The emphasis was placed on the formation of the Hero image in such texts. Thus, the subject of our research is the image of a profiler in a literary text and the boundaries of the emerging direction of detective literature. The article examines in detail the phenomenon of profiling in the history of culture, defining the boundaries of the new “subgenre”. It can be stated that since the 1990s, the methodology of criminal profiling has been a subject of interest to consumers, and as a result, to the creators of a popular product. Real law enforcement officers become prototypes for fictional characters. In this case, the recipient is faced with a number of distortions and inevitable fiction. We also propose a working typology of profiler images in a popular culture, that is based on the institutional aspect. Based on it, we distinguish the type of “official profiler” and “marginal profiler”. Of particular interest is the situation in Russia, where the profiler is not included in the classifier of professions, but in the popular text it’s presented quite clearly, although ambiguously. The topic of profiling in the detective genre is unique because not only developing its own format, but overcomes cultural and national boundaries, being a universal way of solving a crime in a popular culture and being implemented in the same format regardless of the country and practically not experiencing the influence of local (ethnic, regional) crops. In other words, we can talk about international standards for this area of criminal fiction. The materials and working typology presented in the article can be used for further analysis of both this area of criminal fiction and related “niche products” of popular culture.
Key words: profiling, detective story, blurring genre boundaries, popular culture, crime genre.
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For Citation: Chukurov, A. (2024) Multifunctionality and Popular Text’ Genre Boundaries Blurring Using the Example of the Criminal Profiling Presentation in a Popular Culture. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (54). 6–20. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_1_6
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_1_6