Elena V. KLYUSHINA Saint Petersburg State University
7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034 Russian Federation
Junior Researcher
PhD (Art History)
e-mail: klyushina.ev@rggu.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-0006-5010
Reception of Domestic Music and its Reflection in the French Visual Culture of the Second Half of the 19th centuryAbstract: The article focuses on the problem of the reception of home music-making and its reflection in French visual culture of the second half of the 19th century. The author sees his goal in identifying stable iconographic types that French artists resorted to using in the process of artistic interpretation of home music-playing. To do this, from the numerous paintings, the author selects those that, in his opinion, are the most representative both in iconographic and artistic terms. The results of the study allow us to draw a convincing conclusion about the presence of at least two main plot and thematic directions in the visual interpretation of scenes of home music playing. The first consists of compositions iconographic basis of which is images of a home concert. Based on an analysis of the paintings by Edgar Degas and Edouard Manet, the author establishes the existence of deep connections between these two masters and the world of professional musicians. It is argued that home concerts held in the house of Auguste de Gas and the Manet couple served as an occasion not only for spending time together, but also became the basis for the creation of an entire gallery of portraits and musical genre scenes. The second plot and thematic line in the depiction of house music playing in French art of the 19th century. brings together works that visualize private individual educational and performing or semi-professional musical practices. The study of such images using the example of analysis of the works of Auguste Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Eva Gonzalez and Gustave Caillebotte allows us to establish differences in the artistic approaches to constructing the image of a young musician, a lady playing music. or a man playing music.
Key words: home music playing, reception, musical iconography, French art of the 19th century, music in art, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Gustave Caillebotte, home concerts, the problem of iconography, children's music education.
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For Citation: Klyushina, E. (2024) Reception of Domestic Music and its Reflection in the French Visual Culture of the Second Half of the 19th century. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (54). 96–111. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_1_96
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_1_96