Alexander V. SKIPERSKIKH Bunin Yelets State University
28.1 Kommunarov str., Yelets, Lipetsk region, 399770, Russian Federation
Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Doctor of Political Sciences
ORCID: 0000-0001-8587-7415
Soviet sport in porcelain sculpture: heroes, history, aestheticsAbstract: In this article, the author shows how the theme of Soviet sports is reflected in the porcelain sculpture of the USSR factories. Sports subjects are present in almost all collections of porcelain factories, which indicates a high public demand for the topic of mass and professional sports. To a certain extent, this is facilitated by the Soviet government itself, using porcelain plastic as a "soft power", and with its help determining the consciousness of the Soviet person. It is no coincidence that the sports collections of Soviet porcelain follow the agitation period in the production of porcelain factories of the USSR. Soviet sport played a huge role in the propaganda discourse. This determined his great instrumental capabilities in legitimizing the Soviet political system.
Porcelain sculptures related to the theme of sports were gradually established in the everyday practices of Soviet people, becoming an integral element of interiors and participating in communication between people. Up to the present time, porcelain sculpture of the USSR has a certain aesthetic meaning, a kind of document of a bygone era, as well as the subject of interest of the research community and collectors. The Soviet narrative today is quite influential not only in the practice of political construction, but also in the production of nostalgia practices. The authorities often use nostalgic discourse in the interests of their own legitimization. Porcelain plastic, here, acts as one of the resources of hidden pressure. In porcelain sculpture, their owners recognize themselves in specific cultural and historical loci.
In the article, the author focuses on the history of the appearance of certain sculptural forms, trying to discern real heroes and their sporting achievements in each fictional form. The real basis for the artistic embodiment of certain sculptural forms finds its presence in other types of art. The author focuses his attention on these horizontal connections of culture.
Key words: power, culture, legitimation, everyday life, the USSR, Soviet sports, Soviet porcelain.
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For Citation: Skiperskikh, A. (2022) Soviet sport in porcelain sculpture: heroes, history, aesthetics. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (47). 31–42. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_31
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_31