Leonid A. MENSHIKOV Saint Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory
3, Theater Square, Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation
Head of the Social Studies and Humanities Department
Doctor of Science (Art History)
Associate Professor
e-mail: lmensch@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-6978-1325
Terminology of Russian choreology in the field of contemporary and modern dance, or What can we do with its modernityAbstract: The discussion about the nature of modern and contemporary dance, which has been unfolding since the early 1990s, does not lose its relevance today. Despite the accumulation of a large creative and research experience, the problem remains the fuzziness and ambiguity of the definitions used in this science area. Modern and contemporary dance is preserving an unchanging essence throughout its history, this essence lies in the search for self-determination and actual forms, in discussing on topical issues, thereby it sets an unsolvable task for choreology – the task of creating a more or less generally accepted definition and classification. The variety of artistic practices of modern and contemporary dance seems to resist definition and eludes to the selection of a stable system of forms within its framework. More than a century of development of the phenomenon in the West provides a model of its continuous positioning in culture and reflects the vicissitudes of the difficult history of the 20th century. Modern and contemporary dance in Russia is conceived as a line of evolution from the beginning of the 20th century, interrupted during the Soviet period and resumed with its completion. Today, a diverse series of directions and forms of development of modern and contemporary dance has accumulated. Modern and contemporary dance as an artistic statement manifests itself both in traditional stage (theatrical) forms and in the space of performance, which is characterized by open composition and interest in physicality. Modern and contemporary dance as a body-oriented practice gave rise to self-valuable dance-movement research without visible artistic results. Between these two poles, a whole spectrum of different forms of modern and contemporary dance arises, positioning themselves in different ways both in relation to the world of art and in the space of modern and postmodern culture as a whole. Among them are the elusive phenomenon of dance performance, and the various areas of contacts between performance and dance, and the possibility of creating artistic expression of various kinds. A continuation of this thing is a problem of the institutionalization of modern and contemporary dance, including in the education system, the problems of its documentation, preservation and archiving. The purpose of the article was to identify pain points there the resistance to the definition and classification of modern and contemporary dance is concentrated.
Key words: modern dance, Modern dance, contemporary dance, Postmodern dance, modern choreography, performance, dance performance, artistic directions, genre, style.
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For Citation: Menshikov, L. Terminology of Russian choreology in the field of contemporary and modern dance, or What can we do with its modernity. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (48). 6–15. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_6
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_6