Anastasia D. CHISTOVAHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Institute of Human Philosophy, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Assistant
ORCID: 0009-0000-0766-6647
The Influence of Emotional Culture on the Formation of a Cultural LandscapeAbstract: Emotional culture is an essential component of social structure and human life. It influences our perception of the world and interaction with it. The article explores different definitions of "emotional culture" and its significance in society. Emotions play a crucial role in shaping our interests and needs, and there are two main forms of emotional expression: individual and collective. Emotional culture reflects and shapes the cultural landscape, determining how we organize our living environment. Artifacts from different historical periods can be found in cultural landscapes, creating a layered effect that reflects the dynamics of society. Understanding emotional culture allows us to appreciate the diversity and complexity of our shared human experience. The bidirectional nature of the relationship between emotional culture and the cultural landscape is emphasized. On the one hand, the cultural landscape reflects society's past emotional experiences, which have accumulated over the course of history. On the other hand, cultural landscapes shape living individuals' emotional cultures and modern society's emotional culture. A deep understanding of emotional culture provides insight into the dynamics of cultural processes, helping to organize social and cultural spaces more efficiently. This contributes to harmonious societal development.
Key words: cultural landscape, natural landscape, emotion, emotional culture, society, anthropogenic landscape, artifact, landscape dynamics.
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For Citation: Chistova, A. (2024) The Influence of Emotional Culture on the Formation of a Cultural Landscape. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 101–110. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_101-110
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_101-110