Elena V. PISKUNOVAHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Head of the Department of School Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy
Doctor of Science (Pedagogy)
e-mail: L_piskunova@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9352-5409
Elena S. ZAIR-BEKHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Professor of the Department of School Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy
Doctor of Science (Pedagogy)
e-mail: prof_bek@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5210-4173
Academic Culture of the University in the Context of Digital Transformation of EducationAbstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of digital academic culture, those phenomena in the field of education that result from computerisation and the use of digital methods in the educational pro-cess, as well as the system of values, motives, forms and modes of communication that are associ-ated with these processes. The article examines the perceptions of university teachers about the pe-culiarities of students' behaviour in the spaces of virtual culture, primarily in the field of netiquette, – digital ethics of students. The empirical materials were obtained using the method of in-depth in-terviews of teachers. As a result of the study, the dominants of teachers' understanding of students' digital ethics were identified: problems of borrowing (direct borrowing of significant text frag-ments, failure to comply with the ethics of citation, attempts to bypass the systems of text originali-ty checking, submission of the same work by two or more students); superficial work with educa-tional information (poor or superficial knowledge of the subject, revealed in the process of control measures in the framework of current certification and practical assignments); problems of com-munication in the image of students' digital ethics; and problems of communication in the virtual culture. The article analyses the main problems that appear in the process of network interaction of teachers and students with each other and with the virtual environment of the university, and sug-gests ways to overcome them.
Key words: digital transformation of education, digital academic culture, digital ethics, ethical standards of the university, epistemological and moral-reflexive interaction of participants in the educational pro-cess, academic fraud, digital communication, digital identification.
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For Citation: Piskunova, E., Zair-Bek, E. (2023) Academic Culture of the University in the Context of Digital Transformation of Education. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (53). 82–93. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_4_82
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_4_82