Elena E. DROBYSHEVA Vaganova Ballet Academy
2 Str. Zodchego Rossi, Saint Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
Associate Professor
e-mail: pestelena@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5713-6756
Architectonics of the Performative SpaceAbstract: The article analyzes the specifics of the performance space as a leading-edge type of socio-cultural space. It is noted that over a century of its development in the field of predominantly European culture, performativity as a mode of artistic life has gradually gained its strength. As a result, a bizarre ornament was formed from the varieties of its manifestations: 1) performing arts, 2) performance art itself, and 3) performative elements in the widest possible field of social practices from everyday life to the media. The study unfolds in the conceptual field of spatial socio-humanitarian discourse. With the help of structural and typological methods, a typology of sociocultural spaces is developed from the perspective of organizing representation and communication procedures. An intermediate conclusion is made about the architectonic influence of the spatial-organizational configuration on the specifics of these processes. As the main types of socio-cultural spaces, it is proposed to consider the avenue, the square, the stage, the hall and the altar. With the help of the method of phenomenological reduction, a special kind of cultural space is singled out and analyzed – performative – which is produced within the framework of modern synthetic artistic practices. It is concluded that a qualitatively new type of spatial organization of artistic performance practices involves the use of various representation and configuration algorithms that are characteristic of the five main types mentioned above. The mixing of horizontal and vertical methods of representation, as well as linear and cyclic formats for unfolding a performative action, expands the potential possibilities of this kind of space. In this regard, the possibilities of interpreting the artistic gesture are also expanding. In addition to the actual sphere of art, performance intertwines on related areas of public life – from advertising and social practices of everyday life to education and politics. Due to the socially-constructive potential of performance, the influence of this phenomenon can be extrapolated in the broad sense of the word to the entire cultural space. Such a research conclusion finds its conceptual confirmation in the discourse of architectonics, which includes an analysis of the genetic-dynamic, structural-functional and value-metaphysical aspects of the existence of a particular cultural phenomenon.
Key words: architectonics of contemporary culture; contemporary art; typology of sociocultural spaces; performativity; performance; performative space.
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For Citation: Drobysheva, E. Architectonics of the Performative Space. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (48). 118–129. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_118
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_118