Elena A. Fedotova National Research University Higher School of Economics
20, Myasnitskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 101000
Visiting scholar at School of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design
e-mail: fedotova.alyona@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-8772-3601
Back-to-back Film Production: Russian Feature Films and TV Series Based on Them (2003–2020)Abstract: The phenomenon of back-to-back production of both a feature film for theatrical release and its serialized extended cut made either for TV broadcast or video on demand distribution is a well-known practice in Russia. The following study presents an extensive list of 44 film projects that came out from 2003 to 2020. Consequently they have been edited into 92 works, either a feature film or its TV version. There are six strategies of distribution depending on the order of premieres and the number of episodes in the extended cut. The amount of episodes is limited by the TV schedule programming, while dates of the TV premieres are linked to the Russian festive calendar. The research also examines some of the common patterns; in particular, the tendency to depict the past (73% of the studied projects). The case study of parallel filmmaking covered the montage influence on the narrative of a film «Mathilde» (directed by Alexei Uchitel, 2017) and the mini-series «Coronation» (directed by Alexei Uchitel, 2019) based on it to consider methods of imagining the past on the screen via various mediums and semiotics.
Key words: re-edited film, miniseries, TV cut, extended cut, heritage film, film production, public history, medium, TV, Mathilde, Soviet montage theory, media studies, orality, festive calendar, Russian film.
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For Citation: Fedotova, E. (2021). Back-to-back Film Production: Russian Feature Films and TV Series Based on Them (2003–2020). International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (42), 40–63. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_40
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_40