Vadim Yu. NIKITIN A. N. Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)
1 str., Malaya Kaluzhskaya, 119071, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
Professor of the Pedagogy of Ballet at the Institute of Slavic Culture
ORCID: 0000-0002-7804-0219
Contemp or Contemporary Dance? On the Issue of Style Definitions in Modern DanceAbstract: The problems of the development of modern dance associated with the insufficient level of scientific and theoretical development of the topic are outlined. The author of the article analyzes the use of the terms «modern dance» and «contemporary dance» in Russian art criticism and makes an attempt to define and classify the main styles of contemporary dance that exist in world dance practice. The article touches upon the issue of defining the aesthetic paradigm of contemporary dance and the basic artistic principles. The author concludes that the terms «contemporary dance» and «modern dance» are not synonymous and are used in different meanings. The author defines dance systems, the criteria of which are: a certain aesthetic paradigm; codified vocabulary; conventional stamps in the choreographer’s work and the use of traditional artistic techniques; and most importantly, the school and methods of professional training of performers and choreographers.
The features of the use of the term «contemporary dance» in Russia at the present time and the appearance of its modification as «contemp» are considered, examples of the interpretation of this term by leading choreographers and critics are given, and it is concluded that this term has nothing in common with the original direction of choreographic art.
Key words: modern dance, contemporary dance, contemp, classification of dance styles, techniques of contemporary dance, choreographic education, improvisation techniques.
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For Citation: Nikitin, V. Contemp or Contemporary Dance? On the Issue of Style Definitions in Modern Dance. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (48). 29–39. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_29
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_29