Nigina R. SharopovaInstitute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Goncharnaya Ulitsa, 12 стр.1, Moscow, Russia, 109240
Junior Research Fellow
ORCID: 0000-0003-3626-6305
Contradiction vs. Performative: Distribution of the Material and the Ideal in Dialectical and New MaterialismAbstract: This paper explores the correlation between categories of material and ideal in dialectical and new materialisms. Since this topic seems too broad, the article is proposed to consider two concepts that play the important role of rooting the material into the ideal in each of the cases. The article proposes the concept of contradiction for dialectical materialism. The analysis of the term is based on the work by E. Ilyenkov «Dialectic Logic». The concept of performative and its use by K. Barad were chosen for the new materialism. In the first case, it is considered step by step how the recognition of contradiction as an objective category turns idealistic paradigm upside dawn, introduces dialectics and returns it to its materialistic basis. In the second case, it shows how the performative interpretation of the ideal returns it into the material plane, splices both of them together, placing them in the same ontological plane. Thus, if in the first case the contradiction’s work reorganized the material/ideal hierarchy, making the material primary, then in the second the the performative removes the very material/idea opposition.
Key words: Dialectics, materialism, new materialism, K. Marx, E. Ilyenkov, K. Barad, contradiction, Marxism, performative, surplus value, quantum ontology.
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For Citation: Sharopova, N. Contradiction vs. Performative: Distribution of the Material and the Ideal in Dialectical and New Materialism. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (45). 70–79. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_70
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_70