Vsevolod V. KORSHUNOVGerasimov Institute of Cinematography
3, W. Pieck Str, Moscow, Russian Federation, 129226
Associate Professor, Department of Cinema Dramatic Art
PhD in Art History
e-mail: vkorshunov@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9502-1485
Digital Human Being: New Viewer and New CharacterAbstract: Digital technologies affect a thinking, behavior, emotions, worldview of a modern human being. The gadget changed into an extension of the body; the desktop has turned into a drama space where human lives have irreversible changes; virtuality has gone beyond the device and has become a part of everyday, "offline" life. The cinematography of the last decade has been actively exploring new digital audience and creating a new digital character. Non-linearity and discreteness of perception, multitasking and multi-layered narration, the pre-awareness of the audience and recipient involvement in action are changing modern cinema and forcing filmmakers to look for new narrative techniques.
Russian filmmaker T. Bekmambetov and the company "Bazelevs" ("Remove from friends," 2015; Profile, 2018, etc.) pioneered the "screen life" format: the action takes place exclusively on the computer screen. Entertainment and attraction give way to simple, recognizable actions that the viewer repeats several hundred times a day: moving the cursor, moving the computer mouse, typing, switching tabs. The minor events in the context of a traditional cinema (typing and erasing text or sending a message to the wrong window) work as the turning points of the story.
The screenwriters and directors explore the unstable border of reality and virtuality, conduct experiments with the anonymity of a digital person, dissect the illusion of security, protection by a nickname, an avatar, a fictional biography. An article by V. Korshunov is devoted to this digital transformation and its representation in the films of S. Jonze, T. Bekmambetov, C. Brooker, H. Joost, A. Schulman and other filmmakers.
Key words: cinema, digital technologies, body, desensibilisation, screen life.
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For Citation: Korshunov, V. (2021). Digital Human Being: New Viewer and New Character. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (43), 21–33. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_2_21
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_2_21