Irina A. MartianovaHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
48, Moika, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191186.
Professor of Department Russian Language
Ph. D. in Philology
ORCID: 0000-0003-3526-317X
Film and television series: a different screenplay?Abstract: The article is devoted to the scenario specifics of K. Shakhnazarov’s film «Anna Karenina. The Story of Vronsky» and television series «Anna Karenina». Fragments of the novel, screenplay and telescript are compared. The different time lengths of the film and the television series affect their textual foundations. Despite the fact that a number of episodes are presented in them in the same way, the screenplay differs from the script of the series in the nature of the dialogue, the presence of Vronsky’s monologic offscreen voice. In the telescript, the transformation of the novel’s dialog was expressed in the change in the boundaries of the replicas, parts of which are conjugated with the observed. In his text, the nuances of intonation are emphasized, but at the same time there are no author's comments, they do not contain the complex ambiguity of Tolstoy’s writing. Nevertheless, telescript’s episodes can exceed in volume not only episodes of the screenplay, but also of the novel, because they capture the character’s point of view, image angles become sharper than in a novel, aimed at the object of perception. The both versions of «Anna Karenina» are of undoubted interest for a comparative study of screenplay and telescript. There are the same conceptually and compositionally, in the strategy of novel’s adaptation. But these are scenarios with the different texture, the different course of artistic time, the structure of the phrases, the ratio of dialogical and monologue speech.
Key words: adaptation, cinema, film, television series, screenplay, novel, telescript, text, interpretation, transformation.
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For Citation: Martianova, I. (2021). Film and television series: a different screenplay? International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (42), 29–39. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_29
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_1_29