Elena K. BLINOVA Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Moika Emb. 48, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation 191186
professor, department of history of art and art education
doctor of art
e-mail: elena-blinova@yandex.ru
Olga S. SAPANZHA Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Moika Emb. 48, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation 191186
professor, department of history of art and art education
doctor of cultural science
e-mail: sapanzha@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-7874-2539
Household classics as a phenomenon of Leningrad culture after the Second World WarAbstract: An analysis of the phenomenon of "household classics", which was reflected in the products of industrial enterprises that have a household purpose, is presented in paper. Changes associated with the new format of understanding the past within the framework of the Soviet ideology of late Stalinism take place in the space of the everyday culture of Leningrad in the late 1940s – the first half of the 1960s. The conditions for the development of Leningrad (the Leningrad case, the destruction of the Leningrad Defense Museum, the growth of the city due to new labor reserves) is the other side of the processes. The appearance of a series of items in the assortment of Leningrad enterprises (Enamelware Factory №1, the first Leningrad confectionery factory, the Lenemalier factory, the Lomonosov Leningrad Porcelain Factory, the Leningrad Porcelain Factory), combining purely industrial utility and signs of decorative use, was result. Monuments of the classical architecture of St. Petersburg of the 18th-19th centuries were the main motive for practical items (kitchen jars for bulk products, enamel mugs, packaging, caskets, bottles). They were in line with the requirements of realism and pomposity inherent in the grand style in the late 1940s and 1950s. and the demands of decorative minimalism in the 1960s. Images of the imperial city (the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Stock Exchange building, the Academy of Arts, the Admiralty) and modern architecture (ground pavilions of the Leningrad metro stations Ploshad Vosstaniya, Narvskaya, Avtovo in the second half of the 1950s and the architecture of modernism as the building of the Finnish Railway station in the 1960s) they represented. The general requirements of the style change were the basis. An important idea of the city - the custodian of the historical tradition, the space of reference architecture was presented in them. On the other hand, the problem of introducing the "new townspeople" to the high culture, which constituted an important part of the demographic picture of Leningrad in the 1950s-1960s, was solved by these things.
Key words: household classics, Leningrad style, culture of everyday life, Leningrad, everyday culture of Leningrad, industrial art, Enamelware Factory №1, First Leningrad Confectionery Factory, Lenemalier Factory, Lomonosov Leningrad Porcelain Factory, Leningrad Porcelain Factory.
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For Citation: Blinova, E., Sapanzha, O. (2022) Household classics as a phenomenon of Leningrad culture after the Second World War. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (47). 6–17. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_6
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_6