Nikolay N. SUVOROV Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture
2, Dvortsovaya naberezhnaya, Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
ORCID: 0009-0007-1541-7369
Intentions of Cultural Dynamics: Collect and DisperseAbstract: The paper aims to identify the main intentions of the formation and dynamics of cultural space, its connection with cultural time, the participation of presence. The study of architectonics and dynamics involves attention to terminology, its refinement and the application of updated concepts taken from cultural experience. The main intentions of dynamic changes, such as gathering and scattering, are investigated. These concepts are considered in the cultural genesis, taking into account their application to the characteristics of cultural dynamics. Concepts have a wide range of effects, both in subjective experience and in application to corporate and social processes. In addition, these concepts have a wide train of cultural traditions associated with agricultural practices, which allows their use in a historical and cultural context. The dynamic processes of culture require attention to the peculiarities of subjective development, which makes it possible to include the operational concepts of folds and outline. The dynamics of culture is refracted in the cultural space of the subjective. The process of subjectivation, the translation of cultural space into subjective mentality occurs as a process of folding – an increase in folding, squeezing complex meanings into subjective space, bending and inverting the content by the standards of the subject. These processes create turbulence, which acts as a manifestation of resentment and subjective dynamics. Revaluation of values and reinterpretation of meanings change the direction of the folds of cultural space, their dynamics. New semantic values become centers of gathering and scattering.
Key words: Dynamics of cultural space, collect, disperse, fold, sketch, episteme, reassessment, cultural explosion, semantic value, vectors of cultural space, portals and collected centers.
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For Citation: Suvorov, N. (2023) Intentions of Cultural Dynamics: Collect and Disperse. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (51). 20–33. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_20
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_20