Dimitry L. SPIVAK D.S. Likhachev Russian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage
2, Kosmonavtov ul., Moscow, Russian Federation, 129366
UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue
e-mail: d.spivak@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-7276-5182
Intercultural Dialogue in UNESCO New Medium-Term StrategyAbstract: Main trends in present-day UNESCO strategy in the realm of intercultural dialogue are presented, basing primarily upon texts of two documents, approved in November, 2021, at the 41st session of the General conference of UNESCO, namely, the new medium-term Strategy (2022–2029), and Program of the Organization (2022–2025). As to the former document, intercultural dialogue forms integral part of its Strategic objective 3, directed at the attainment of ‘inclusive, peaceful and just societies’, ensuring cultural diversity and sustainable development. As a result of systematic analysis of the text of the Medium-term Strategy, two basic objectives of intercultural dialogue, i.e. ‘healing fractures’ in the collective mentality, and ‘promoting shared values and memories’, are traced back. As to the latter document, Major program III, dedicated to social sciences and humanities, serves as focal for systematic analysis. As a result, presence of three-level framework of ‘intercultural understanding – intercultural competences - intercultural dialogue’ is detected, which forms the conceptual basis of the contemporary UNESCO approach to the promotion and enhancement of constructive cultural rapprochement. The paper is concluded with a general overview of present-day trends in the elaboration of the subject field of the cross-cultural, intercultural, and transcultural dialogue. The main trend consists in regarding it as a dynamic and open-ended process, aligned along an axis, leading from practice of tolerance and empathy towards deeply transformative experiences, and, farther, to the development of shared attitudes and worldviews.
Key words: intercultural dialogue, UNESCO strategy, inclusivity, cultural rapprochement, sustainable development.
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For Citation: Spivak, D. (2022) Intercultural Dialogue in UNESCO New Medium-Term Strategy. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (46). 111–125. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_1_111
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_1_111