Alexandra V. SMIRNOVA Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS
6, Maly Kislovsky Lane, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
Musical Theatre, Teacher
ORCID: 0000-0001-5862-7453
Jazz Dance in the System of Choreographic and Theatrical Education in RussiaAbstract: The article is devoted to the formation of jazz dance as a stage movement and its institutionalization in the United States, the history of its subsequent penetration into Russia and adaptation on the basis of Russian dance and theater culture. It identifies the specifics of development of jazz dance in Russia, the prospects of its further development, and the problems that prevent it.
It defines the role and prospects of use of jazz dance technique in professional choreographic education and the sphere of children’s creativity, the position of jazz dance in the Russian stage space. It briefly describes the activities of educational organizations and personalities involved in the promotion and development of jazz dance in Russia. It outlines the possibilities of synthesis of jazz dance technique with national folklore of peoples of Russia and creation of new models of choreographic stylizations.
On the Russian theatrical scene, jazz dance is actively realized as the plastic module of musicals, a genre widely loved by the audience, which opens new prospects for it in the educational environment. The article raises the question of how the level of competitiveness among actors of musical theater and musicals and the process of enriching the theatrical staff with highly qualified artists of a universal genre, who have an equally good command of vocals, choreography and acting, depends significantly on the level of their choreographic training, and the profound study of jazz dance technique seems the most relevant vector in the professional training of future actors of choreography.
Further development of jazz dance in Russia is significantly hindered by the problem caused by the low level of development of the theory and methods of teaching this style of dance. Moreover, the lack of proper amount of educational literature in Russian is directly related to the lack of methodological support among foreign sources. In order to attract more attention to this problem, this article provides an excursus of the printed foreign literature on jazz dance, as well as a review of the existing literature on the history, technique and methodology of teaching jazz dance in Russian language. However, the appearance of new theoretical works on the theory of jazz dance in Russia in recent years allows us to hope for a positive forecast in the direction of further fruitful development of this unique style on the soil of Russian culture.
Key words: dance, choreography, jazz, musical, jazz dance, jazz-modern, modern dance, institutionalization of modern dance, history of jazz dance in Russia, theater education, professional choreographic education, musical theater, jazz dance textbook.
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For Citation: Smirnova, А. Jazz Dance in the System of Choreographic and Theatrical Education in Russia. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (48). 16–28. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_16
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_16