Danila M. DAVYDOVThe State Academic University for the Humanities
26 bld, Maronovskii lane, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119049
Department of Theory and History of Culture and Art, Associate Professor
PhD in Philology
e-mail: komendant3@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0009-0008-8673-2267
Ksenia Nekrasova: on the Specifics of Creative Behavior and Cultural MythAbstract: In the article, the figure of Ksenia Nekrasova is considered as belonging simultaneously to the marginal zones of the professional literary field, and associated with the phenomena of primitiveness and outsiderism. The legitimization of the "inconvenient" poetess for interpretation often occurs through comparison with Velimir Khlebnikov. In this regard, attention is paid to the specificity of Khlebnikov in the circle of futurists. The "external" and "internal" forms of the relationship between the avant-garde and deviant forms of behavior are analyzed: from the point of view of the public and in the avant-garde circle itself, where figures like Khlebnikov were mythologized as "mad geniuses", in fact outsiders. The features of reactions to the legitimization of outsiders in the literary field are shown, from exposing the avant-garde as a form of self-promotional activity promoting "inept", including deviant authors, to describing avant-garde cultural policy as stigmatizing outsider authors. In this context, the peculiarities of the perception of the figure and the work of Ksenia Nekrasova by contemporaries and subsequent authors are discussed: despite the fact that she had no biographical relation to the historical avant-garde, nevertheless, radical interpretation strategies were used and continue to be used in the assessments of this figure. At the same time, it is shown how positive (emphasizing the genius and uniqueness of Nekrasova's talent) and negative (insisting on the deviance of the poetess) exist the sides of mythologization persistently repeat themselves both in the reaction of contemporaries and later. The uncertainty of Nekrasova's position in the field of literature makes us talk about her intermediate position on the "primitive" – "primitivism" axis. The status of an outsider is not fully applicable to Nekrasova, however, both the biography and the established literary reputation of the poetess make us talk about belonging to an outsider discourse.
Key words: Ksenia Nekrasova, Velimir Khlebnikov, literary reputation, literary myth, literary field, historical avant-garde, outsider, deviance, primitive, primitivism, unconventional writing.
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For Citation: Davydov, D. (2023) Ksenia Nekrasova: on the Specifics of Creative Behavior and Cultural Myth. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (52). 46–61. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_3_46
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_3_46