Darya G. StepanovaRussian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen
St. Petersburg, Russia, Moika river emb., 48.
PhD student, Department of Art History and Pedagogy of Art
e-mail: Stepanova-dg@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7156-7202
Morphology of the “Leningrad Style”Abstract: Within the framework of the article, the author defines the essential characteristics of the new scientific definition “Leningrad style” in the context of the development of decorative and industrial art. A clear definition of the morphological structure of the “Leningrad style" will contribute to the systematization of categorical characteristics that underlie the structural model of style as a system of artistic language. The scientific novelty of the research consists in identifying the categorical characteristics and morphological structure of the “Leningrad style”. The main task of using the term morphology in the context of the “Leningrad style” is to differentiate the various levels of existence of the components of the definition and combine them into a clear logical structure. As a result of a comprehensive art history analysis of the bibliography and of the works themselves, some characteristic features are distinguished that are characteristic of all types of decorative and industrial art in Leningrad. For example, the severity and conciseness of color, a clear selection of the necessary means of artistic expression, metaphorical images, close connection with the culture of the city, poetry and architecture, etc. Manifestations of the “Leningrad style” in decorative and industrial art are differentiated into formal (thematic and plot characteristics, aesthetic foundations) and expressive (features of working with form, composition, color, etc.). The results of the study allow us to conclude that there is a clear logical structure equivalent to the content plan and the expression plan. An alternative to this structure in the study is substantial and expressive levels, the consolidation of which forms the “Leningrad style”. The expressive level is manifested in the commonality of pictorial and expressive dominants of the Leningrad masters of decorative and industrial art. The content level of existence of the “Leningrad style” is equivalent to the "content plan" and includes plot-figurative content and an ideological and aesthetic platform. The basis for the formation of the content level is the “Leningrad identity”, which is determined by personal identification with Leningrad and its cultural code.
Key words: “Leningrad style”, morphology, decorative arts, industrial art, categorical characteristics, style systems, domestic art, Soviet art, style, Leningrad Higher Art School named after V. I. Mukhina.
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For Citation: Stepanova, D. Morphology of the “Leningrad Style”. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (45). 80–91. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_80
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_80