Irina A. KUPTSOVAMoscow Pedagogical State University
1/1 Malaya Pirogovskaya Str., Moscow, Russia, 119991
Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education, Head of the Media Education Department
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
82 Prospekt Vernadskogo, Moscow, Russia, 119571
Expert Research and Educational Center "Civil Society and Social Communications"
Moscow State Linguistic University
38 Ostozhenka St., Moscow, Russia, 119034
Professor of the Department of World Culture
Dr. Culturology Hab.
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-3830-0776
Network Media Culture as a New Everyday Life of Digital CivilizationAbstract: The article considers the phenomenon of network media culture as a condition and digital sociocultural environment of everyday life in the context of digital civilization. Based on the analysis of the leading theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of media culture, the processes of mediatization of various spheres of life of society, the article develops an idea of the essence and functions of network media culture, which is interpreted as a form of modern culture, characterized by the production and transmission of information, communicative interactions, professional activities, creativity, leisure, entertainment, everyday life practices, carried out in digital network formats, determined by the development of the Internet.
Everyday life is defined as something mundane, ordinary, daily, routine, everyday, etc., emphasizing the "ordinariness", the ordinary nature of what is happening. The structure of everyday life includes both elements that have the characteristics of traditional cultural phenomena and elements that have a transformational impact. The elements of everyday life that play a transformational role include media culture, network media technologies as a channel of information transmission, means of communication and methods of communication, as well as digital devices (gadgets) necessary for these interactions. Not only communications, information exchange, and other practices conditioned by media culture and the process of mediatization of modern society are networked. A special role in the development of network media culture is played by virtual reality, which constitutes the dichotomy: real-virtual.
Based on the data of the annual report on the development of digital technologies "Digital 2024: Global overview report", the main trends and directions of development of network media culture have been identified, one of which is the growing role and importance of social networks in everyday human life, as well as the increasing penetration of digital technologies into the life of society at the level of everyday life. Network media culture acts as a habitual means of communication, interaction, and solution of routine everyday life issues, performing a number of functions, including instrumental, communicative, leisure, entertainment, cognitive, educational, and creative/creative.
Key words: media culture, network media culture, everyday life, everyday culture, culture of everyday life, media, new media, social networks, virtual reality, digital culture, digital civilization, cultural practices.
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For Citation: Kuptsova, I. (2024) Network Media Culture as a New Everyday Life of Digital Civilization. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 17–26. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_17-26
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_17-26