Oleg Yu. ASTAKHOVKemerovo State Institute of Culture
17, st. Voroshilova, Kemerovo, 650029, Russian Federation
Head of the Department of Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Art History
Doctor of Science (Culturology)
e-mail: astahov_oleg@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-2764-7686
Oksana V. RTISHCHEVAKemerovo State Institute of Culture
17, st. Voroshilova, Kemerovo, 650029, Russian Federation
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature, Russian and Foreign Languages
PhD (Philosophy)
Associate Professor
e-mail: ortishheva@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-2861-471X
Neural Networks in Popular CultureAbstract: The article discusses the issues of defining network culture as an independent type of culture, determined by distributing communication values. The interactivity of communicative practices, established in connection with using Internet technologies, is considered as a special mechanism through which the rapid development of network culture is carried out. Moreover, the authors reveal inconsistency for implementing communication processes in the Internet environment, which is characterized by openness and anonymity, fixedness and mobility, illusiveness and authenticity, etc. These features are presented as a consequence of network individualism of communication processes, which, on the one hand, it forms a polar and mosaic picture of relative values, on the other hand, determines their absolute acceptance. Also, the authors highlight that at the same time, in network communications, absolutely polar values can demonstrate their viability.
The authors state that the transformation of classical ideas for communication values, which are characterized by a desire for orderliness, an example of which would be consensus building, is recorded in the characteristics of network culture. Network individualism gives rise to the independence of the life worlds for communication participants, the development of which is carried out not so much in connection with the possibility of establishing coordinated and consistent relationships, but with realizing the possibility of maximum immersion in the reality that shapes a person’s living space. These spaces are perceived as truthful, they dissolve in everyday connections and relationships, open to an infinite number of value interpretations, aimed at the constant filling of meanings and meanings generated from the endless reflection of information in the “timeless landscape of computer networks.” In conclusion, the authors believe that it is possible to consider formation of a new network personality, which is characterized by a complicit attitude towards the discovery of value meanings in the endless and kaleidoscopic unfolding of one’s living space.
Key words: type of culture, network culture, network communications, network individualism, communication values, Internet, intersubjectivity, interaction, virtuality, life world.
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For Citation: Astakhov, O. Y., Rtishcheva, O. V. (2024) Neural Networks in Popular Culture. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 27–37. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_27-37
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_27-37