Elena E. Drobysheva Vaganova Ballet Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
Rossi Street (ulitca Zodchego Rossi), 2. St. Petersburg, Russia, 191023
Professor of the Department of Ballet Master’s Education
Doctor Habil. in Philosophy
Associate Professor
e-mail: pestelena@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5713-6756
Outline of MetamodernismAbstract: The monograph by L. Menshikov «Art as anti-art. Theory and practices of Fluxus in Action Art of 1960–1970s» published in St. Petersburg in 2019 is reviewed in this article. As a basic discursive premise, the problem of searching for a relevant (itself) description of modern sociocultural architectonics is chosen, one of the ways of solving is to appeal to the concept of metamodernism proposed by the Dutch researchers R. Van den Acker and T. Vermeulen. Parallels are drawn between the current transitional stage of the development of culture and the era of the transition of Art Nouveau to the state of postmodern, as a vivid example and embodiment of which we can interpret the Fluxus movement. Fluxus’s artistic and theoretical searches are evaluated as representative not only in a fairly specific chronotope of the group’s activities, but also within the general logic of the architectonic advances of the modern socio-cultural process. It is noted that the greatest heuristic efficiency in methodological terms is demonstrated by the use of genre-style analysis. It is concluded that the study of the legacy of the Fluxus group produced by L. Menshikov allows extrapolating the results into other ordered phenomena of the current art process and predicting their further development and interaction.
Key words: metamodernism; fluxus; modern culture; contemporary art; architectonics of modern culture; genre-style analysis.
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For Citation: Drobysheva, E. Outline of Metamodernism. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (45). 103–112. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_103
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_4_103