Irina V. VOLKOVA National Research University Higher School of Economics
21/4, Staraya Basmannaya str., Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation
Professor; Doctor of Science (History)
ORCID: 0000-0002-4835-8082
Pushkin’s Anniversary 1937 for the Young Combatants of the Great Patriotic WarAbstract: The article highlights the role of Pushkin's jubilee of 1937 in the development of the young front-line generation of the USSR. Introduced in 1937 for the most part by schoolchildren, it has taken a privileged position in commemorative events and their main beneficiary. The reduction of the hierarchical and ideological distance between the “anniversary” and his young admirers, their initiatory initiation into the Pushkin cult, largely predetermined the identity built on the feeling of personal and generational chosenness. Like Pushkin, crowned with the laurels of a victor over his enemies and time, the representatives of this generation saw themselves in a triumphal halo even before the first volleys of war thundered. In the hope of being a post-mortem, which was inspired by Pushkin's precedent, many, even before the circumstances justifying this, aspired to mythologizing their lives and turning it into a "place of memory." The transformation of Pushkin's legacy into a sacred symbol of national culture and the deification of the poet himself were of great importance for this generation. Unannounced, but no less clear for that, it also spilled over to his admirers from the “young tribe”. Bringing them as close as possible to the poet, the anniversary made everyone a little "Pushkin", and, therefore, partly a superman.
Key words: young generation, commemorative practices, feeling of exclusivity.
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For Citation: Volkova, I. Pushkin’s Anniversary 1937 for the Young Combatants of the Great Patriotic War. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (48). 130–149. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_130
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_3_130