Darya A. ATKUNOVAResearch Institute of Altaistics named after S. S. Surazakov
6 Socialist Street, Gorno-Altaisk, 649000 Russian Federation
Senior Researcher
Sociological Institute of the RAS – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
25/14, 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 190005 Russian Federation
Senior Researcher
Кандидат исторических наук
e-mail: Russlana06@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-8721-8613
Rite and Festive Activities in Sociocultural Practices of the Russian Region (on the Example of the Traditional Jylgayak Holidai)Abstract: The relevance of the study is due to the dynamic nature of transformations in the spiritual life of modern society, the need to understand the nature of sociocultural practices. Indigenous minorities of the Altai Republic have a peculiar system of values that serves as the basis of their worldview. The priority in this regard is the value attitude to nature, which has now provided a kind of broadcast of their cultural experience through traditional holidays. Traditional holidays are an important part of culture and everyday life, without which it is difficult to create an idea of the cultural and historical appearance of the indigenous minorities of the republic. The author of the article considers the traditional holiday Jylgayak as a revived phenomenon of culture of indigenous minorities of the Altai Republic. The revival of the Jylgayak holiday is becoming increasingly relevant. This, in particular, is evidenced by numerous publications on this topic in scientific and periodicals. The trend of respect for nature can be traced in the modern ritual and festive activities of the holiday: sacrifice to fire, the rite of consecration of the holiday, etc. This rite has been formed over the centuries, due to natural, historical and socio-economic conditions. The role of the holiday in the social and cultural life of the republic is analyzed. The main features of the holiday are highlighted – collectivity, mass character, inclusion of children and adults in modern sociocultural practices. For the first time, the traditional holiday Jylgayak was considered through the prism of ethnosophical teaching, which allows us to assert the preservation of the cultural heritage of the people. On the basis of the above material, it is proved that the Jylgayak holiday reflects the traditional spirituality of the peoples inhabiting Altai, their moral values, which are the guides of the formation of respect for folk traditions, customs, rites, contribute to the emergence of friendly relations of others, respect for nature.
Key words: Jylgayak, tradition, rite, indigenous minorities, Kumandins, Tubalars, Chelkans, national cuisine, national sports.
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For Citation: Atkunova, D. (2023) Rite and Festive Activities in Sociocultural Practices of the Russian Region (on the Example of the Traditional Jylgayak Holidai). International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (50). 56–66. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_56
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_56