Dmitry A. SEVOSTYANOVNovosibirsk State Medical University
52 Krasny Prospekt, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russian Federation
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-7142-3188
Stages of Development of Fine Arts by Pitirim Sorokin: A Modern LookAbstract: The periodization of the development of fine arts, compiled by the famous sociologist P. A. Sorokin, continues to arouse interest after many years. According to this periodization, we are currently experiencing an eclectic stage of art development. This stage completes the cycle of development of the arts, follows the sensual stage and precedes a new ideational stage. The art of this stage is a motley mix of different styles and trends in art. The article analyzes the properties of art at this stage using the example of painting and graphics. It is indicated that a distinctive feature of this stage is the development of information technology, which creates a fundamentally new situation in the field of art. It is shown that the peculiarity of this stage is the increasing saturation of artistic content, as a result of which previously created works acquire greater importance than the directly displayed reality. As a result, imitation of previously created works is gaining great development in the art of the eclectic stage, and the possibilities of experimentation in the field of artistic form seem exhausted. It is noted that at this stage the actual functions of art are changing. The individualizing function in its various expressions takes one of the first places in terms of its significance. An artistic work loses its former connection with reality, and the task of the artist becomes not to reflect reality, but to actively influence reality through his works. Attention is drawn to the fact that the stages of art development according to P. A. Sorokin do not actually replace each other, but follow each other, penetrating one into another. Each new stage carries the rudiments of the previous ones. Therefore, the concept of stages of art development according to P. A. Sorokin should not be applied dogmatically. It reflects only general trends in the development of art.
Key words: cyclic model of art development, stages of art development according to P. A. Sorokin, ideational stage, idealistic stage, sensual stage, eclectic stage, functions of art, digital technologies in art, epigony, modern art.
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For Citation: Sevostyanov, D. Stages of Development of Fine Arts by Pitirim Sorokin: A Modern Look. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 111–122. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_111-122
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_111-122