Aleksandr A. TATISCHEVHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Institute of Human Philosophy, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Assistant
ORCID: 0009-0001-2703-496X
Tatischev, А. The Effect of Immersion in Pseudo-Documentary FilmmakingAbstract: The article is dedicated to examining the effect of immersion in pseudo-documentary filmmaking (mockumentary), achieved through unique stylistic techniques that blur the lines between reality and fiction. Special attention is given to key elements of the genre, such as documentary realism, handheld camera work, diegetic sound design, limited editing, interviews with characters, actor improvisation, and deliberately constrained storytelling. All these techniques enhance the viewer's sense of authenticity, creating the illusion of real events and provoking a unique emotional-cognitive conflict. The article highlights postmodern features of mockumentary, such as irony, reflexivity, and deconstruction of traditional documentary forms. Mockumentary critiques cultural and social norms, using satirical and humorous devices to create a "false authenticity." However, this genre does not merely mock reality but engages with the viewer, inviting them to critically reflect on the nature of media representations, leading to active audience participation in the process of perception. Special attention is also given to the "found footage" subgenre, which has gained wide popularity in horror cinema. By actively employing pseudo-documentary techniques but avoiding the exaggerated "reality" and absurdity typical of postmodern mockumentaries, "found footage" creates a more believable illusion of observing real events. The unique features of the genre not only enhance the effect of immersion but also evoke more intense emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, and tension, which are key objectives of horror cinema. Thus, through the use of hybrid techniques of documentary and narrative filmmaking, mockumentary creates a unique cinematic experience where the viewer is not only emotionally engaged in the perception process but also cognitively, occupying an active receptive position, being forced to question the reality of what is happening on the screen.
Key words: pseudo-documentary, immersion, mockumentary, found footage, documentary cinema, falsification of reality, imitation of reality.
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For Citation: Tatischev, А. The Effect of Immersion in Pseudo-Documentary Filmmaking. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (56). 128–138. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_3_128
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_3_128