Alina V. VenkovaHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Associate Professor
Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Moscow, Russia
Leading researcher
PhD in Cultural Studies
The aesthetics of the receptive response in the post-revolutionary art in Russia. Abstract Art, “Cetodynamos” and Suprematism.Abstract: The article critically examines the theoretical principles, aesthetic attitudes and artistic techniques in the post-revolutionary art of Russia in 1919–1929. The principles of modeling the receptive response in the declarations and literary texts of the participants of two exhibitions held in Moscow in 1919: "Non-Objective Creativity and Suprematism" and "Cetodynamos and Tectonic Primitivism" are investigated. The receptive program of Suprematism is considered. Both the theoretical program of non-objective art and its artistic system are analyzed. The structure of the viewer's receptive response is shown, embedded in the manifestos and declarations of artists, as well as embodied in specific works created during this period. The viewer's consciousness is closely connected with the mentality, the way of cognition, cultural conventions, ideas about beauty, the general structure of the world perception of the era. A change in the perception of art in the context of the plastic systems under consideration should have resulted in a change in the way of thinking and perception of the world in general. All three outlined progammes are similar in their vision of the ideal viewer. The artists saw their task in the formation of a new type of perception, the main feature of which was to be impartiality, freedom from the habitual and automated attitude to art, the return of its original purity.
Key words: abstract art, suprematism, cetodynamos, tectonic primitivism, additional element, reception, manifesto, K. Malevich.
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For Citation: Venkova, A. (2020). The aesthetics of the receptive response in the post-revolutionary art in Russia. Abstract Art, “Cetodynamos” and Suprematism. International Journal of Cultural Research, 4 (41), 186–198. DOI:10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_186
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2020_4_186