Gerald CIPRIANI National University of Ireland
University Road, Galway, Ireland H91 TK33
Head of School of History and Philosophy
UNESCO Chair in Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue (St. Peters-burg/Moscow) D.S.Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia
Honorary Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-5234-2040
The Ethics of Relation in the New Modernity of Digital Art and CultureAbstract: One of the most significant cultural phenomena that our ever fast developing technology has created is the production of virtual configurations in whatever fields of aesthetic experience. The phenomenon has created a new sort of modernity; an unprecedented set of conditions that makes increasingly large sections of the population experience whatever configurations within the confines of its present temporality or just now, as the Latin etymology of the word “modern” suggests (modo).
Computer technology for example has led to the digitalisation not only of art but also culture as a whole, begetting thus a shift towards formalistic sense-perception whereby the paradigm of origin and authenticity loses its relevance if not its meaning. The aesthetic formalism of this new modernity has as a result reshaped the rock-solid relational pattern of reality-representation-percipient. This essay will discuss the resulting ethical implications of aesthetic experience in the age of digital reproduction.
Key words: technology, virtuality, digital reproduction, ethical experience, modernity, globalisation, Heidegger, aes-thetics.
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For Citation: Cipriani, G. (2021) The Ethics of Relation in the New Modernity of Digital Art and Culture. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (44). 6–17. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_3_6
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_3_6