Kseniya A. KUKSO Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
18, Bolshaya Morskaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation
Associate Professor of Department of Advertising and Public Relations
The Sociological Institute of the RAS – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
25/14, Seventh Krasnoarmeyskaya, Saint-Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation
Associate Researcher
PhD in Philosophy
e-mail: korsbai@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-2213-3026
The paradigm of Contagion: Birth of the Research FieldAbstract: The cultural context of the origin of microbiology are analyzed in the article. The cultural-genealogical research of the formation of the research field of this one of the most important life sciences is focused on such a difficult questions as determining the trends and changes in culture that predetermined the isolation and autonomy of the scientific cognition of infectious agents. The author analyzes the changes of position, namely the place and weight, of the phenomenon of infection in the field of cognition of nature, studies the cultural basis of the formation of epistemological tools that determined infectious diseases as a self-sufficient object of cognition.
The questions about the main models of the infection’s comprehension that took place in cultural space before the emergence of infectiology, how and why the phenomenon of infection and transmitted infectious diseases underwent metamorphosis from only a secondary problem of interest, considered within understanding more significant phenomena, into a self-sufficient subject of cognition are basic for the author. The review includes the historically earliest concept of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases by Girolamo Fracastoro, which was paradigmatic for their study. Highlighting its key theoretical attitudes and methods of cognition and emphasizing the conclusions formulated in it, which led to a revision of the medical and preventive attitude to infectious diseases, the author shows how the invisible tier of nature, the area of pathogenic agents, originally opened up, which has fundamental impact on self-awareness and social behavior of human.
Key words: invisible nature, contagion, cultural models of infection’s comprehension, autonomization of research of body’s structure, cultural genealogy of knowledge of infectious diseases, D. Frakastoro.
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For Citation: Kukso, K. (2022) The paradigm of Contagion: Birth of the Research Field. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (47). 95–106. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_95
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_95