Vyacheslav A. REMIZOVMoscow State Institute of Culture
7, Bibliotchnaya St., Khimki, Moscow region, 141406 Russian Federation
Expert of Scientific Work Department
Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies)
e-mail: remizov1941@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0008-1421-7485
Irina I. IRKHENVaganova Ballet Academy
2, Zodchego Rossi St., Saint Petersburg, 191023 Russian Federation
Autonomous non-profit organization of supplementary professional education "Academy of Regions"
5, Smolyaninov St., Smolensk, 214031 Russian Federation
Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies)
e-mail: irkhen67@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-0831-0153
The Paradoxical Nature of Being a Culture in SocietyAbstract: The starting point for considering the paradoxical existence of culture in society is the view of the dynamics of culture as a complex nonlinear process that has an external and internal side of conditionality. The external one is connected with social determinants, the internal one is related to the nature and essence of culture itself. In this research we apply the epistemological, ontological, axiological and functional perspective of the analysis of the paradoxical existence of culture in society as a starting point for its dynamics.
The following paradoxical factors are considered in detail: the conceptual phenomenon of culture; the phenomenon of idealization of meaning formation; the phenomenon of the synergetic concept of culture; the phenomenon of the activity and metaphysical image of culture; the phenomenon of culture as a source of social risks. Thus, the logic of the study allows us to come to the conclusion about the antinomian nature of the existence of culture in society, associated with its categorical ambiguity, limit and blurriness of manifestation in the dynamics of socio-cultural processes.
Some attention is paid to the duality of cultural dynamics in artistic practices. Here culture is both creative and destructive. In addition, the paradoxical nature of culture in the existence of personality is revealed. The following conclusions are drawn that a) culture is diverse; b) it is multifunctional; c) culture is contradictory and multipolar in dynamic orientation; d) culture is paradoxical in its essence and in the conditions of the digital era, postmodernism; e) the results of cultural creation are ambiguous and require the development of "correction coefficients", taking into account the relativity of its "creativity" as a possible hidden destructiveness or departure from the desired target result.
Key words: culture, existence of culture, cultural dynamics, paradoxical culture, orientation of culture, cultural creation, cultural meaning-making, cultural synergy, artistic culture, the being-image of culture.
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For Citation: Remizov, V., Irkhen, I. (2023) The Paradoxical Nature of Being a Culture in Society. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (51). 34–43. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_34
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_34