Karina G. ANTONIANHerzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
48, Moyka Emb., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191186
Associate Professor
PhD in Cultural Studies
e-mail: Tursa@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9877-7624
The Performance of IdentityAbstract: The article explores the performative approach to the study of cultural phenomena. Identity is a performing practice of the manifestation of the "I", both individual and collective. National, ethnic, gender, age and other forms of performance are analyzed on the material of artistic culture - photography, sculpture, architecture. These three types of art accompany a person throughout his daily life, are an integral part of the cultural space. Photography can act as an everyday practice of selfies, in which the desired image of oneself is created, a kind of visual performance is played out. Photography in art culture is also a study and a form of conceptualization of the experience of performative identity building. Representative female types are played out in C. Sherman's photographs. The viewer simultaneously reads and understands the psychological and socio-cultural background of these images. Nikki S. Lee's "Projects" feature scenes in which the photographer plays behaviors characteristic of various subcultures. In both cases, the photos capture not so much a static image, but some kind of situation that either remains "behind the scenes" (C. Sherman), or is played out right in front of the camera (Nikki S. Lee). Performative sculpture includes interactive and kinetic elements, or provokes the creation of an event space around itself. Architecture accompanies human activity therefore it is performative in its essence. Buildings and structures change functionally and aesthetically over time, both under the influence of natural forces and due to transformative human activity. Architects experiment with space, symbolism, design. When designing, they include different aspects of cultural identity in the idea of the building. Also since 2007, a new direction "performance architecture" (A. Schweder) has appeared, which takes into account the peculiarities of human communication and human physicality.
Key words: performance, performativity, identity, the performance of identity, performative approach, performative architecture, performative sculpture.
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For Citation: Antonian, K. The Performance of Identity. International Journal of Cultural Research, 3 (44). 91–102. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_3_91
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_3_91