Irina V. MALYGINAMoscow State Linguistic University
38 Ostozhenka st., Moscow, 119034 Russian Federation
Department of World Culture, Institute of Humanities and Applied Sciences
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
ORCID: 0000-0002-2145-7953
The Phenomenon of Identity in the Context of Historical and Cultural DynamicsAbstract: The article deals with the genesis of cultural identity and its evolution in the context of universal vectors of historical dynamics.
Based on the results of interdisciplinary research, cultural identity is defined as a socio-psychological phenomenon that has a complex internal structure, indicating the inseparable unity of rational, unconscious, sensual and behavioural components in the identification processes. However, any reduction of this concept when describing the practices of human self-determination in contemporary culture indicates the substitution of the phenomenon of identity with other forms of self-determination and self-representation of a person in culture, which may be related but not equal to identity. However, there is a tendency of transformation of the semantic space of the concept of "cultural identity", due to the uncontrolled growth of research interpretations, which can distort the understanding of the essence of contemporary cultural and identity processes and encourages the expansion of the conceptual tools in their description.
The genesis and essential characteristics of cultural identity are justified from the perspective of the semantic genetic theory of culture, in which the emergence of a self-conscious subject, able to make sense of the world in the parameters of I – other, is considered as the primary impetus of cultural genesis. Analysis of the vectors of historical dynamics has allowed us to record a consistent, historically and culturally conditioned process of weakening the human connection with nature, and later with the main "units of survival" - ethnic and national communities. In this regard, justifies the essential characteristic and the main function of cultural identity as a way to overcome the "shock of existential alienation" in the process of constant decay of the initial syncretism and achieve unity with the world through culture.
It is noted that the expansion of the boundaries of personal freedom, the strengthening of individualization, the gradual fading of the acuteness of the perception of "the other" have caused an extremely difficult situation with human self-determination in the post-culture, led to the replacement of identity as a complex set of rational settings and emotional experiences with its simulacra, situational representations and masks.
Key words: culture, post-culture, cultural identity, historical and cultural dynamics, meaning genesis, syncresis, self – other, own – stranger, participation, self-determination, identity, difference, representations, simulacra of identity.
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For Citation: Malygina, I. (2023) The Phenomenon of Identity in the Context of Historical and Cultural Dynamics. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (51). 44–55. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_44
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_44