Alexey V. MALINOV Saint Petersburg State University
7-9, Universitetskaya embankment, Saint Petersburg, 199034 Russian Federation
Sociological Institute of the RAS – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
25/14, 7-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 190005 Russian Federation
Leading Researcher
Doctor of Science in Philosophy
ORCID: 0000-0002-1252-9193
The World Picture of Altai EthnosophyAbstract: The article deals with variants of the modern mythological picture of the world, which is becoming widespread among the population of the Altai Republic and the conductors of which are the national intelligentsia. The mythological picture of the world, which includes elements of cosmology and ontology, is one of the manifestations of mythological consciousness, which is typical for part of the modern Altai intelligentsia, combining it with a scientific picture of the world. The modern mythological picture of the world is usually presented not in the form of myths themselves, but in texts which their authors call “national philosophy”, “regional philosophy”, “folk wisdom”, etc., but it would be more correct to call them ethnosophy. Ethnosophy includes contemporary forms and manifestations of mythological consciousness, mechanisms of mythologisation in modern society, etc. The Altai ethnosophy reflects a modern stage in the development of the national consciousness of the Altai people, which went through stages of religious (Burkhanism) and artistic-poetic comprehension of their identity. The modern mythological picture of Altai people includes conceptions of both vertical (three-part division of the world) and horizontal (dualism) divisions of the universe, which are reflected in heroic stories (epic) more completely. The ethnosophical picture of the world also includes signs of religious ontology, which perceives ethical categories as world principles, between which a battle is raging. The mythological picture of the world does not imply the reproduction of ancient mythological ideas. On the contrary, it produces new or “correct” myths under the guise of a return to “authentic” myths. It is pointed out that the propagation of a mythological picture of the world is an element of promoting mythological consciousness among the local population, which is necessary for further assimilation of other mythological settings: firstly, for appropriating the achievements of other cultures, usually ancient ones (cultural-historical mythology) and secondly, for accepting the power of certain clans (ethnocratic and political myths). It is concluded that the spread of ethnosophic beliefs is a sign of localisation and archaisation of culture and it possesses a certain conflict potential. The notion of the uniqueness of the territory, the people living there and their history can develop into a narrative of exclusivity.
Key words: ethnosophy, Altai, national consciousness, identity, mythological consciousness, mythological world picture, epic world picture.
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For Citation: Malinov, A. (2023) The World Picture of Altai Ethnosophy. International Journal of Cultural Research, 1 (50). 33–55. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_33
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_1_33