Elena E. DROBYSHEVA Vaganova Ballet Academy
2 Str. Zodchego Rossi, Saint Petersburg, 191023 Russian Federation
Professor of the Department for Cultural Studies, Musicology, and Music Education
Doctor of Science (Philosophy)
e-mail: pestelena@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5713-6756
Toward the Methodology of the Humanities: Transformation of Research Approaches in the Architectonics of CultureAbstract: The article deals the analysis of the methodological base of the humanities and specific concepts used in the study of the dynamic aspects of the functioning of culture. It is stated that in connection with the expansion of the empirical base of socio-humanitarian research and the growing trend of interdisciplinarity in them, it seems necessary to constantly revise the applied methodologies and clarify the boundaries and functionality of a particular method. The study of sociocultural architectonics in general, and its dynamic aspects in particular, requires the correlation of scientific vocabulary with the politics of language, technology and values in the current cultural and historical realities. It is noted that today's changes and complications of the very object of study – culture – are associated with two main trends - the formation of the digital era paradigm and the transition from postmodernism to metamodernism. Studies of culture in all the variety of forms and modes of its existence almost always involve addressing the problem of historical time, identifying the dialectical nature of ongoing processes, understanding the ontological significance of dynamic aspects and, as a result, determining the specifics of the era, its “spirit of the times”. It is noted that one of the most effective approaches in the humanities is semiotic. In this research discourse, such concepts as "cultural code", "text of culture", "artistic picture of the world", "national pictures of the world" are actively used. It is proposed to introduce the “artistic code of the era” as a methodological concept, which makes it possible to more accurately designate artistic and figurative models of a certain period of cultural development, identified on the basis of an analysis of works of art, literature, trends in the world of fashion, design, advertising and other areas of social representation. All this correlates with the trend in the development of such scientific areas as visual studies and the social history of art, on the one hand, and with the rapid growth of the role of technology in the field of culture, on the other. The spread of digital methods of production, promotion and consumption of cultural products is the basis for the current state of culture in the mode of its industrialization. In this regard, the next concept proposed for use in the course of research on dynamic processes in culture is the blockchain approach. Obviously, there is a potential for its use in studying the sphere of artistic life in its entirety, including museum and exhibition, educational and educational activities, the practice of collecting works of art and organizing urban space as a sphere of representation of relevant ideas, values and meanings.
Key words: “Archeology of the humanities”; methodology of humanitarian knowledge; architectonics of culture; metamodernism; early digital era; media textsocial history of art; artistic code of the era; blockchain approach in the humanities.
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For Citation: Drobysheva, E. (2023) Toward the Methodology of the Humanities: Transformation of Research Approaches in the Architectonics of Culture. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (51). 6–19. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_6
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_6