Denis D. PODLEDNOVSaint Petersburg State University
7/9, Universitetskaya Emb., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034
PhD Student at the Institute of Philosophy
ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8603
Elena D. KAZANTSEVAState Budgetary Institution of Culture of Perm Krai “The Memorial Reserve Museum of the History of Political Repression Perm-36”
10, Gagarin Boulevard, Perm, Russian Federation, 614060
Head of Traveling Exhibitions
Trends of Postmodernism and Metamodernism in Foreign TV Series in 1990–2020Abstract: At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries there is a gradual shift of the paradigm of postmodernism towards a new sensibility that took place in art. Metamodernism is a socio-cultural concept that was proposed by Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Acker in 2010. At the present stage, the process of legitimation is under way as a new chronotypological stage that follows postmodernism.
The concept of metamodernism refers to the functioning of a new sensibility within the boundaries of politics, psychology, art and media culture. Deliberately or unconsciously, filmmakers include the features that are characteristic of the society to which they belong and to whom they address their work. That is, films and TV series demonstrate the actual problems of society of a certain period, which means that they can be considered as sources of information about the culture of society in the era of postmodernism or metamodernism.
The article analyzes foreign serials of the 1990s – 2020s. (England and the USA), conditionally divided into two eras: postmodern and metamodern, and revealed tendencies inherent in the transition from “post-” to “meta”, manifested through themes, plots, character traits of heroes, distribution channels, the nature of the censorship, etc. As a result of the analysis, the authors come to the following conclusions. In the 1990s – 2000s. the genre of the series, and its inherent status, imposed special restrictions on the culture of consumption of film products and on the creators of series: there was a strict hierarchy between series and feature films, the latter of which had the greatest opportunities, both financially and in the possibilities of participation of well-known actors, directors and producers.
By the 2010s. with the development of new media, there were some changes have occurred both in the themes and plots that should be represent stereotypically in the series, and in the broadcast channels and the status of the genre itself. From now on, the series is not a low-budget television production that can only entertain the viewer but broadcasts actual social topics and relevant problems for different types of audience.
Key words: postmodernism, metamodernism, cinematography, mass media, media culture, television, tv series.
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For Citation: Podlednov, D., Kazantseva, E. (2021). Trends of Postmodernism and Metamodernism in Foreign TV Series in 1990–2020. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (43), 45–59. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_2_45
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2021_2_45