Nadezda Yu. KOSTYURINASaint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
44, Lermontovsky Prospekt, Saint Petersburg, 190020 Russian Federation
Professor of the Department of Media Communications and Advertising
Doctor of Science (Culturology)
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-5400-7393
Andrey Yu. ZAVALISHINBonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
22, Bolshevikov Avenue, Saint Petersburg, 193232 Russian Federation
Professor of the Department of History and Regional Studies
Doctor of Science (Sociology)
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0009-0007-8764-5731
Two Clicks and the «Fourth» Age: The Path of an Old Man on the InternetAbstract: The emergence of a digital divide, which gave rise to a new form of social inequality, including the sociocultural alienation of older people («old men»), was one of the consequences of the development of digital technologies and the large-scale involvement of the population in network structures that occurred in the 2000s – 2010s.
During the time that has passed since the start of mass digitalization of society, many of the most painful problems have been solved. Digital literacy of the population as a whole and of the majority of older people has increased. Social networks became widespread, which solved the problem of social exclusion. The boundaries between age groups on this basis have become less pronounced.
At the same time, new problems that require scientific reflection and practical resolution have arisen. One of these problems is the division of the «third» age into two groups: a younger group, whose representatives had sufficiently mastered digital literacy even before moving into the category of older people, and those for whom using a computer and working on social networks still a challenge. They are over 75 years old, and they are classified by the authors as the «fourth» age.
The article highlights the main groups of elderly users. Special emphasis is placed on the «fourth age». The problems of their age self-identification are considered. An assessment was made of works devoted to the study of Internet strategies of older people in Russia and abroad. The generational determinants of activity on the Internet, social myths and misconceptions regarding their level of computer literacy are named. The main problems associated with the ownership of gadgets and digital technologies, as well as Internet platforms used by users over the age of 75 are shown. Key issues associated with «fourth generation» Internet strategies are identified. The types of their Internet activity and the associated types of older users are described.
The purposes of the article are to draw the attention of researchers to the problems of Internet users over 75 years of age who need scientific reflection, and also to describe and analyze the most significant features of their Internet activity, which will allow them to form a more objective view on the topic of «elderly on the Internet».
The sources for writing the article were publications by Russian and foreign authors on the research topic, data from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), publications in the media, the results of an expert survey and field observations.
Key words: gerontology, social network, «fourth age», elderly person, Internet user, age stratification, communication, network culture, activity.
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For Citation: Kostyurina, N., Zavalishin A. (2024) Two Clicks and the «Fourth» Age: The Path of an Old Man on the Internet. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 70–87. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_70-87
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_70-87