Polina V. TOLSTOVAHerzen State Pedagogical University
48, Moika Emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186 Russian Federation
Institute of Human Philosophy, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Postgraduate Student
Charitable Foundation Anton tut ryadom
1, Troitskaya square, Saint Petersburg, 1197046 Russian Federation
Curator of the project Autism Friendly
e-mail: polinaculture@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-8287-6406
Gamification: Immersion and Inclusion as Performative Tools of CommunicationAbstract: The article examines gamification and the application of game elements and mechanics in non-game contexts. This aspect represents a phenomenon that permeates various spheres of human activity. Gamification offers new ways to interact with users, enriches their experience, and contributes to increased motivation and participation. However, to achieve the goals of gamification in effective communication, two key aspects need to be considered: immersion and engagement.
Immersion, in the context of gamification, describes the level of user immersion in the game space or task. This concept is associated with creating an atmosphere that captures the participant's attention and elicits an emotional response. Immersive game elements such as visual effects, audio design, and interactivity can enhance the level of engagement and concentration of observers or participants.
Engagement, on the other hand, describes the active participation of users in the game process or task resolution. The sense of control, progress achievement, and the ability to influence the outcome of interaction or gamification processes enhance motivation and participation. Engagement ensures the performativity of communication, where user actions and decisions are significant and can lead to specific results.
This study analyzes and delineates the roles of immersion and engagement in the context of gamification as performative communication tools. The article explores various aspects and examples of gamification application, considering these two fundamental elements in the fields of cultural theory, media communications, philosophy, and art theory. Authors such as M. Sicart, T. Malaby, H. Jenkins, L. Manovich, I. V. Volkova, A. V. Venkova, E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, M. Merleau-Ponty, J.-P. Sartre, J. Huizinga, G. Frasca, T. Vermeulen, R. van den Akker, D. L. Austin, E. Goffman, L. J. Butler, C. K. Risman, V. Turner, and E. Fisher-Lichte contribute to the discussion. Spatial environments shape an atmosphere of interactivity, involvement, and dynamics, which can be indicative of the performativity of communication. The multidisciplinary approach demonstrates the pervasive nature of the game pattern beyond gaming contexts, offering new possibilities for improving communication strategies and creating more engaging and immersive interactions.
Key words: gamification, immersion, engagement, game mechanics, performative communication, performativity, gamification of culture, game interaction, game elements, game.
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For Citation: Tolstova, P. (2023) Gamification: Immersion and Inclusion as Performative Tools of Communication. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (51). 88–98. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_88
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2023_2_88