Yana S. IVASHCHENKORussian Christian Academy for Humanities named after Fyodor Dostoevsky
15, lit. A, Embankment of the Fontanka River, Saint Petersburg, 191023 Russian Federation
Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Pedagogy and Arts
Doctor of Science (Culturology)
Associate Professor
e-mail: iva_ya@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-5721-9634
Gastronomic Culture in the Russian Segment of the InternetAbstract: Network thinking reflects the state of culture, but also shapes its new prac-tices. Studying gastronomic reflection on the Internet is important for understand-ing the ontology of modern culture and the mechanisms of its development. The article describes the formal and substantive aspects of gastronomic culture, the directions of their transformation in the digital environment. Internet sources: culinary blogs, forums, websites of stores and culinary studios, pages of social net-works are considered using structural-semiotic and discourse-semantic analysis.
The main characteristics of gastronomic culture on the Internet include its communicative orientation, the priority of discussion over directive monologue, the deprofessionalization of texts, their focus on entertainment and the need for self-expression, the growth of visual content as a consequence of the participatory strategies of communication participants. There was no evidence of a complete destruction of basic cultural gastronomic codes. Their targeted reproduction is pro-voked by communicative marketing, and their spontaneous reproduction is pro-voked by online folklore. Both phenomena operate with archetypal images and ideas. The basic opposition “friend or foe” remains relevant, but is no longer ultimatum, as in traditional society.
The system of functions of gastronomic culture is being transformed. The communicative function becomes the center of the functional matrix. Integrations become short-term and situational, as they lack an authoritative center. The trans-lational function is reduced to informing, and the regulatory function is reduced to managing food preferences and bodily optimizations. Gastronomic discussions on the Internet are platforms for experimenting with identity, producing new standards, demonstrating exemplary physicality and exquisite tastes. The main goals of gastronomic culture in the online space are a fashionable body standard, desired identity, information as self-presentation and an invitation to conversation, as well as food temptations.
Key words: gastronomic culture, network communication, identity, gender, standards of physicality, social stratification.
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For Citation: Ivashchenko, Y. (2024) Gastronomic Culture in the Russian Segment of the Internet. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (55). 88–100. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_88-100
DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2024_2_88-100