Lana M. UZARASHVILI Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
12 1 build. Goncharnaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 109240 Russian Federation
PhD Student, Department of Aesthetics
ORCID: 0000-0002-4248-3165
The Anthropocene Condition: From the Ontology of Globality to Planetary ExistenceAbstract: The article analyzes the theoretical developments of philosophers working within the framework of the Anthropocene philosophy in order to determine the status of the concepts of globality and planetarity to describe the current ecological condition. Globality is a descriptive term that combines philosophical, scientific, and visual perspectives that consider the world as a homogeneous sphere (globe) which exploration posits the dematerialization and estrangement of the observer from the world. The departure point for the formation of globality as a hegemonic ontological and epistemological paradigm is the Scientific Revolution (B. Latour). Planetarity, on the contrary, implies the positioning of nature in the form of a complex, dynamic, and constantly (re)produced environment in which each actor plays a productive role through interaction with other agents in the process of formation of new forms (G. Spivak, P. Reed). Planetarity demonstrates the absence of a linear mediation of natural processes and, on the contrary, suggests considering them in terms of dynamics and complex interaction of organisms at various levels (D. Haraway). And also the consideration of existence as planetary allows us to «situate» the subjects of research — humanity — and recognize their involvement in these material processes of creation, destruction, reassembly, and reproduction of natural assemblages.
Key words: Donna Haraway, Patricia Reed, Gayatri Spivak, Lynn Margulis, Anthropocene, Globality, Situated Knowledges, Sympoiesis, Planetary, Symbiogenesis.
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For Citation: Uzarashvili, L. (2022) The Anthropocene Condition: From the Ontology of Globality to Planetary Existence. International Journal of Cultural Research, 2 (47). 107–119. DOI: 10.52173/2079-1100_2022_2_107
DOI: 52173/2079-1100_2022_2_107